Idioma: Inglés
Editorial: Skira
239 páginas
Mimmo Rotella, best known for his décollages, was in fact, by nature, a great experimenter. His interest in the expressive possibilities of the use of different working methods was not an end in itself, but directed at a lifelong need to overcome the limitations imposed by the traditional languages.
In any proceeding that Rotella adopted - décollage, retro d'affiche, photographic reproduction, artypo, blank or sovrapittura - he always took this approach in attempting to bypass the schemes that had already been acquired.
It was his need for a continuous testing and reformulation of the artistic grammar, his credo in that stylistic nomadism, that allowed him not to become trapped in one tired formula but which paved the way for a continually innovative practice that he carried forward tenaciously, radically, throughout the entire course of his career.